I had a great time at Colours showing off Nightlancer. It was good to see their wargames show again after having been an attendee as a wargamer in the past, reviving flashbacks/happy memories of commanding my troops across a war-torn battlefield.


A lot of new players gave Nightlancer a try. An interesting difference about playing at Colours was a lot of players that were interested in playing for a round or two as a trial, rather than sitting down to play expecting to go through the entire game. The benefit of this is that a lot more players were able to try the game out.


I’ve now arranged another exhibit in the lineup, here are the next upcoming exhibits for Nightlancer:

21st October – GamesfestVictoria Hall, Tring – At Gamesfest I will have an exhibit space with Nightlancer for the day.

2nd December – DragonmeetNovotel London West – At Dragonmeet I will also have an exhibit space for players to try Nightlancer all day, possibly running until midnight.